This 26-year-old single dad, nearly caused a frenzy amo

Dreamy dad Joseph Whelan gave the X Factor Global a rocking they won’t soon forget when he delivered Led Zeppelin classic “Whole Lotta Love” with a whole lotta style. The 26-year-old tattooed tool salesman was a hit with the ladies in the crowd before he even opened his mouth, with the judges struggling to be heard over the loud catcalls.

But Whelan was definitely a lot more than just a pretty face as the lad could rock like nobody’s business. Robert Plant’s wailing vocals are really not easy to do justice to a singer, but Whelan nailed it with just the right amount of grit and even a little bit of a croon. His scream going into the chorus lifted the roof off the joint and had the judges excitedly sharing glances. His audition is currently one of the most popular on the X Factor Global channel, with 50 million views clocked.


Whelan hails from the West Midlands city Wolverhampton and brought his four-year-old son Kian to the audition, describing the little tacker as the light of his life. He said “there’s so much riding on this for me – not just for myself because I want to be a musician, but I really want to make my son proud and make him happy. I hope he’s proud of his daddy.”


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