On a lovely afternoon, two old gentlemen sat on a park seat, basking in the warm sun and enjoying the day.Their discussion flowed smoothly, evoking memories from the past while appreciating the present. Their attention was suddenly drawn to a young woman jogging by.
She wore a sports bra and brief shorts, her athletic physique and youthful enthusiasm standing out against the park’s peaceful backdrop. One of the men was thrilled by the sight and couldn’t help but smile brightly. When she noticed his reaction, the young woman came to a halt and approached them, her expression a mix of wonder and irritation.
“Why are you staring at me and grinning, you p******?” she shouted, hands on her hips.The elder man, still smiling warmly, glanced up at her and kindly said, “My love, I am not smiling at you. I’m laughing at the thought that no matter how bad things go, there will always be young, lovely girls in the summer to cheer up a lonely old man.”
The girl responds, “awwwww, you are so sweaty,” leans towards the old man, kisses him on the cheek, and goes about her business. The elderly man turns to his pal and says, “3 to zip Mugley, your turn.”