Love Beyond Size: How a Couple Learned to Accept Their Own Bodies

One couple’s love story shines bright in a world where people can be mean online. People have said bad things about Matt and Brittany Montgomery, who are plus-size and have a partner who is bigger than life. Still, their clever answer to the trolls is a powerful lesson that real love has no limits.


It took Brittany a long time and a lot of hard work to accept herself. She often felt empty and self-conscious because her parents were strict as a child and she struggled with her weight. Her dating life was like a roller coaster. Some guys liked her curves, while others told her she needed to lose weight.

Matt came along and swept her off her feet in August 2020. Even though they were physically different, they were clearly connected. To start a life together, Matt asked her to marry him in January 2022.


The love they had, though, came with criticism. People on Instagram told Matt they didn’t think he could be with a plus-size woman. People also looked at and whispered to Brittany. But they wouldn’t let other people define their love.

When Matt dated “normal”-sized women in the past, they made him unhappy. He found his true love in Brittany, though. He loves her just the way she is, and she loves him back with the same intensity.

Their love gives people in mixed-weight relationships hope. Brittany wants to live in a world where size isn’t a big deal and instead just a number. There are new ideas about what love looks like as they wait for their second child, Lakelyn.

Real love has no limits, and accepting yourself is the biggest victory of all. Matt and Brittany’s love is a steady reminder of this in a rough world.


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