To the amazement of his dark-haired parents, a baby born with a thick, floppy mop of blond hair has been hailed as the spitting image of Boris Johnson.
Tatiana Doronina, 35, and her husband Ruslan, 43, were expecting their child to inherit their dark locks. Instead, their adorable British baby boy, David, now three months old, has become a sensation in England with his wild, golden hair reminiscent of Boris Johnson’s signature style.
Strangers often stop the family on the street to marvel at David’s unique look. “David is like a little celebrity,” his mother says, recounting how people immediately compare him to Boris Johnson, though many insist, “He’s much cuter than Boris.”
David weighed 9lbs 10oz at birth, but what truly stood out was his striking blonde hair. “When I first saw him, I was in shock,” Tatiana recalls. “I couldn’t believe how light his hair was. It was only after his first wash that I realized just how much hair he had.”
Despite joking suggestions to name him Boris, the parents decided to honor his birth on St. David’s feast day, naming him David instead. “We didn’t need to call him Boris for people to notice the resemblance—it’s uncanny,” says Tatiana.
The couple remains baffled by their son’s hair color, as no one in their immediate family has blonde hair. “My mother was born with fair hair, so maybe it comes from my side of the family,” Tatiana speculates.
Styling David’s hair has proven a challenge. “I try to manage it after washing, but it just sticks up all over,” Tatiana laughs. “For now, we’re letting it be, but I think we might need to style it in the future.”
The family has even created an Instagram account for David, humorously captioned “Not Boris Johnson’s son.” Tatiana is hopeful that David’s distinctive hair will open doors for him, potentially leading to baby modeling opportunities. Regardless of the comparisons, she says, “He’s undeniably cute and absolutely one of a kind.”