How to Raise Identical Twins with Down Syndrome: A Mother’s Unwavering Love

Savannah Combs was thrilled when she found out she was having twins in 2021. She was shocked and upset when she learnt that her babies would be identical twins with Down syndrome. Savannah was worried about the problems her babies would face because she was a first-time mum.

But as Savannah thought about the news, she realised that her kids were one of a kind and very rare. There was a one in two million chance that they would be identical twins with Down syndrome. It was important to her and her husband Justin that their babies got the love and care they needed to grow up healthy.


It was in May 2021 that Savannah gave birth to Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman. The girls were born early and spent time in the NICU. They are now two years old and bring their parents a lot of happiness. Savannah and Justin have earned a lot of fans on TikTok by sharing their story. They also use the app to spread awareness about and support for children with Down Syndrome.


As a parent, Savannah wants to let other people know that kids with Down syndrome can live normal lives, even though they have the disorder. “They have feelings, a beating heart, and can talk and do things just like us,” he said. “They may take a step behind, but they’ll get there.”


Savannah’s strength as a mother is shown by how she dealt with a mean comment on social media. Her love and devotion to her girls are truly inspiring. Once, someone told Savannah that she should have adopted her kids. She told them, “Good thing they weren’t born to you and were born to me.” God was good because he gave these kids to parents who would love them no matter what.

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