IBM One employee’s 15 years of sick leave causes a stir over a pay raise.

An important IT worker at IBM UK named Ian Clifford has been in the middle of a scandal because of his 15-year sick leave and lawsuit against the company that followed. Clifford has sued IBM for not giving him a pay raise during his long leave, even though he has been medically retired since 2013.

Clifford, who is 50 years old, was diagnosed with stage 4 leukemia in 2012. He has been getting £54,000 a year from IBM’s health plan, which promises him a certain amount of money until he turns 65. But Clifford says that his pay hasn’t been looked at by the company since 2013 and that, because of inflation, it’s not enough now.


Because the company had given Clifford “very substantial benefits” and “favorable treatment” worth over £1.5 million since his leave began, an employment tribunal in Reading, Berkshire, did not agree with his claim. However, Clifford says that asking for a pay raise is not greedy because of the bad economy and rising costs of living.

Clifford wants a pay raise for more than one reason: he wants to make sure that his son will have enough money after he dies. Clifford wants to protect his family’s future because his health makes the outlook not good.

The case has caused a discussion about the rights of workers who are on long-term sick leave and the duties of employers to offer the right kind of help. Some people may think Clifford’s lawsuit is not fair, but others say he has a valid case because of how the economy has changed and how inflation has affected his income.

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