I no longer wash greasy pans after cooking meat, fish, and chicken. Now, they always stay clean.

After cooking fish and meat meals, I detest cleaning the pans. This is especially true if the pan is old and the food, such fish or cutlets, tends to stick to it. Alternatively, food may adhere to the pan more readily if you wait a little while after cooking rather than washing it right away.

There’s also the grease. Typically, sponges lose their usefulness immediately after cleaning oily pans. Additionally, you should spend time cleansing your hands and the sink.

However, I recently saw a fascinating movie online. To keep the meat clean, the method calls for cooking it in a pan.

Its simplicity is what makes it so brilliant.Simply line the pan with baking parchment, making sure the edges of the paper create little sides.


The pan should then be put on the stove after some oil has been poured and brushed uniformly over the surface. You are now prepared to fry.


Nothing clings to the pan, it stays clean, and you may rinse it with water instead of washing it afterwards.

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