Bridget Moynahan Wed In ‘Gorgeous’ Mermaid-Shaped Gown on ‘Fall Harvest Wedding’ Years after Tom Brady Split

“Blue Bloods” star Bridget Moynahan never thought she would become a single mom. She is a traditional woman and believes in marriage, yet she got married only in 2015 at age 44. After she gave birth, she hoped to have a strong male figure in her son’s life. Actress Bridget Moynahan said she never thought…

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Shaquille O’Neal gave his mother a 32,000 square meter mansion in Florida after breaking up with his girlfriend

Shaquille O’Neal and his mother live in a 31,000 square foot Florida mansion after breаk up with his girlfriend Shaquille O’Neal and his mother live in a 31,000 square foot Florida mansion after break up with his girlfriend Shaquille O’Neal, the larger-than-life basketball icon, found solace and comfort in a sprawling 31,000-square-foot mansion in Florida…

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