“It became a routine for him …”
Meet Brinkley — an energetic golden retriever who loves making new friends.

Recently, Brinkley’s family moved to a new neighborhood. Far from his old pals, Brinkley gazed out the window, perhaps waiting to spot a dog companion in the distance.

One day, while out in his yard, Brinkley noticed a fuzzy face on the other side of the fence. It was Cedar — a puppy who’d just been adopted by the neighbors next door. Brinkley excitedly sniffed and pawed at Cedar through the slats in the fence, hoping to play.

At 9 weeks old, Cedar was too little to frolic with a full grown dog. Brinkley would have to wait about two months, until Cedar got bigger. Brinkley’s parents came up with a special system to help remind their pup how much time remained.
“We got a calendar specifically for Brinkley to mark the date that we could officially play with Cedar,” Brinkley’s mom said in a video for The Dodo. “It became a routine for him to start at the top of the stairs, and he would run down. We’d go straight to the calendar before he got his breakfast, before he went outside, and we would cross off one more day.”

Finally, after so much waiting, the day arrived. Cedar ran into Brinkley’s yard, and the pair happily wrestled in the grass.
“As soon as our neighbors let Cedar into the fence, they just went crazy,” Brinkley’s mom said.

Now, Brinkley doesn’t have to worry about feeling lonely — he knows he has a forever friend right next door.
“It makes me so happy that he has a best buddy so close to him now!” Brinkley’s mom said. “Brinkley and Cedar’s future is very bright!”