A man reportedly kicked a stray dog lying in his reserved parking spot. Nearby neighbors say that he attacked the poor pup until the dog screamed! The innocent stray didn’t attack the man back but instead ran away and assembled his pack of friends. The man, who thought he got away with his disgusting behavior, received payback that is too good to miss!

Once the man left the scene and went into his apartment, the stray dog urinated on his car, then ran away to assemble his pack of friends. The pack of angry dogs gnawed at his vehicle, chomping away, leaving bite marks and dents.

A photographer caught the “car attack” on camera and posted it on social media. The story and photos circulated online, going viral. People were up in arms by the man’s cruel actions but were also quite impressed by the dog’s tenacity and cleverness. Do you think the man learned his lesson? We hope so! Animal cruelty will never be tolerated! And dogs should never be underestimated!