Loyal Dog Waited Six Months for Stewardess to Return, so She Adopted Him

They say dogs are loyal creatures; they are known as “man’s best friend,” after all! And flight attendant Olivia Sievers found out just how true that is thanks to one incredibly loyal dog.

Sievers travels all over the world for her job, often making the trip from her home in Germany to Argentina. While exploring Buenos Aires, Argentina, she saw a stray dog near her hotel. Sievers stopped to pet the dog and feed him, after which the stray wouldn’t leave her side.

Loyal Dog
As he followed her to her hotel, Sievers told Noticiero Trece that she “tried to change my way because I didn’t want [him to] follow me back to the hotel.” Despite Sievers’ attempts, “it was not possible. He always came back and followed me. I tried [for] one hour, but he always watched me and followed me. He was really happy that somebody gave him attention.”

The pooch waited outside her hotel all night, and for the rest of the nights that she was in town. When Sievers left to go home, she thought she would never see the dog again. But he waited and waited. When Sievers returned, her new friend ran up and greeted her. It happened each time she visited the city.

Loyal Dog

After a while, Sievers decided to find the dog a home with another family through a local animal shelter. However, he ran away to find Sievers again. At that point, Sievers knew she had to keep him. She took him back home to Germany and named him Rubio.

Sievers and her loyal, loving pooch are now happily living together after his six months of perseverance. We can tell from Sievers’ Facebook photos that Rubio is really enjoying his new home. That’s what we call unconditional love.

Loyal Dog
Be sure to SHARE the story of this incredibly loyal dog with all of the animal lovers in your life.

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