After waking up from a coma, woman said she was in heaven, where she met Jesus. Now, she returned with a significant message from God

This narrative will compel you to contemplate the fate of the soul following our death, regardless of your personal beliefs regarding the afterlife. Valerie Paters was involved in a severe automobile accident with a semi-truck. Her vehicle was undercut by the substantial vehicle, resulting in severe injuries.

Upon their arrival at the scene of the accident, the initial responders were skeptical that Valerie would survive. By the time she arrived at the hospital, her prospects of survival were slim.

They were not hopeful that she would survive another day. She ceased to exhibit any cerebral activity at a later date.

Valerie’s family and church members united in prayer for her even as the doctors made every effort to preserve her life.

Valerie’s sibling, Cheryl, maintained her optimism. She prayed to God in the hopes that her sister would survive.

Cheryl cited Psalm 118:17 in the Scripture for her sister, which states, “I will not d.i.e but live and will proclaim what the LORD has done.” She was unaware that the petitions would result in miracles.

The majority of near-death experiences involve a brilliant light. Valerie followed suit. While they awaited her recovery, she asserted that she had ascended to Heaven, where Jesus personally greeted her with a smile.

She recollected, “I experienced every emotion that he felt for me.” “I felt as though I had arrived at my destination…” I feel as though I have entered a space where I am finally at home.

She stated of Jesus, “He merely desires me.” “I did not do anything for Him.” It was not my performance. Nothing. He did not simply adore me; it was all me. But he was deeply in love with me.

The media entities were anxious to hear her story and contacted her for an interview. During the interview, she provided a detailed account of her experience.


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