I love having outdoor cushions for every season, but they can get very expensive. I found some great tote bags at the Dollar store that I could use to add to my ever growing fall Decor. These are super easy to make.

Need outdoor pillows?
Getting Started….
Here are my totes I purchased from my local Dollar store. I love the owls! To stuff the cushions I am using packing peanuts.

Step One. . Remove Straps
With a pair of scissors I cut the straps off of my totes. I love these totes as they are canvas with a plastic like lining on the inside. So they will dry great in wet weather. Which by the way we have had a lot of!!

Step Two.. Adding the stuffing
I know the packing peanuts may be an unusual choice but I wanted something that would stand up to the crazy fall weather. Unzip your tote and start adding your peanuts. Press down into the corners to allow to fill. Add peanuts to the top then zip tote when you are satisfied with the look. I had the peanuts from packages I received and saved them. You can use foam etc. If you do choose to use peanuts check out pharmacies and businesses that receive parcels. They will be more than happy to get rid of them!

Step Three.. Place in chair!!
So here is my cushions complete. I must say I love how they turned out.

These were super quick and easy to make, and tie in perfect with my fall Decor.