First Severe Bird Flu Case

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this is the first US bird flu case linked to a backyard flock. A patient in Louisiana has been hospitalized with the first severe case of avian influenza A(H5N1) virus (“H5N1 bird flu”) in the US. CDC confirmed the presence of the virus on…

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My Ex-Husband Took Everything in the Divorce—House, Car, Money—But I Couldn’t Stop Laughing… Because It Was My Plan All Along!

After years of enduring a marriage defined by Mike’s obsession with wealth and appearances, I found myself quietly agreeing to give him everything in the divorce. He walked away gloating over his “win,” while I kept a calm smile, knowing that my real plan was just beginning to unfold. I left the lawyer’s office, my…

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Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with Jennifer Garner during this difficult time of loss.

Jennifer Garner shared on social media that her father, William John “Billy” Garner, passed away peacefully on Saturday at the age of 85. William, an alumnus of Texas A&M University, earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Chemical Engineering and worked for Union Carbide. Jennifer, along with her sisters Susannah and Melissa, fondly remembered their…

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